For one thing, we are no longer in Tennessee . . . we have migrated to western Montana, just a few miles from the Idaho border.
For another thing, we are no longer part-timers wishing to be full-timers. We have graduated and now live in our motorhome full time. We even have the full-timers RV insurance to prove it as well as the added expense of said insurance policy.
Is it all I dreamed of? Before I answer that, let me just mention that I've had a bad day which I attribute to severe lack of sunshine.
Honestly, this reality I'm living is not what I thought full timing would be. As I mentioned, we are living in Montana, as this icy state is where our home is parked. It's cold here, and I have only seen one ray of sunshine in the last two months.
Our pipes have frozen more than once already. The floor covering is trying to buckle where the family keeps tracking in snow on their boots. There's more moisture in here than I would like, although we've done our best to control it. The coats and boots and sweaters and hats and gloves and flannel lined jeans are strung everywhere, even piled up inside the refrigerator (not currently powered on) because all our clothes are bulky and just won't fit in the closet. The cat has used our dash, leather seats, and sofa as his personal scratching posts, and I'm sure the damage will kill the RV's resale value, not that I want to sell it any time soon. Everything in here seems to be falling apart, and I don't have the time (work, work, work) or the cash to fix any of it.
What did I have in mind when I wanted to go full-timing? I dreamed of sunshine, travel, and spending time with my family. Where did all that go wrong? Well, the answer is one nasty four letter word: DEBT. We have bills to pay. We have to work. This cold,frozen tundra is where we found work. Then, there's the five letter word: SCHOOL. It turns out that my oldest daughter absolutely loves her new school here and does not want to homeschool or attend online school at all, ever.
On a positive note, it is significantly cheaper for us to live in the motorhome than to rent an apartment. For the most part, we also really like living in the small space. The five-day trip out here was completely amazing, and spending the nights boondocking at truck stops was no big deal, no hassle, and something I am sure we will do again and again . . . some day, like when we head out again. Also, Montana is a beautiful state which I very much look forward to seeing in the summertime, and the people here are some of the best people I've ever met.
Right now, I have a different dream. I'm dreaming of my husband going back to his old job where he made a good living, paying off the debts, and training for a job I can do remotely. All the while, we would still choose to live in the RV because the reality is that it just makes very good sense for us economically. Besides, we like it. Then someday, perhaps the full-time RV lifestyle I had in mind might be possible.
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